Eldritch Eternity: Frostbite
I finally decided (after much prodding) to start completing a number of the beta test adventures. The first of these is the eldritch horror expedition which i made into a little Kickstarter to force me to get it done. I then of course proceeded to not market it at all, and I’m even telling you about it now only a couple of days before it finishes. If you care. jump on over and back it at…

STL files are all printed and tested as usual, and I’ve already made another adventurer as a stretch goal but they aren’t pictured here. Whether I go ahead and create the other non-essential models such as the -Redacted due to spoilers-, only time will tell. Probably, but I don’t want to show that one because of story spoilers.

The adventure document needs tidied a lot, but since my editor hasn’t actually played this adventure I’m going to need to figure out how that gets done. The messy beta version should be available in the meantime but we’ll see.
As always, if you want to chat about anything, get in touch via Facebook, and Twitter , or pigeon.
San Diego Comic Con 2024

So, I was invited to demo SARIL at San Diego Comic Con 2024. Long story short, the guy who runs the tabletop RPG area saw my game, thought it was cool, and asked if I wanted to show it off there. Given I’m in the UK, and don’t like events with lots of people I said “hmmmmmmmm”, but then friends and family convinced me.
Was it all worth it? From a business point of view I have no idea and may never know, but it was a lot of fun, I met some great people, and a good number of new people are now playing SARIL.

As you can see from this image, SDCC is pretty huge. Although, even if it was a single room I probably wouldn’t have got round it all because I was far too busy running my table. I just grabbed a few pictures early one morning before we opened. That’s just the main floor. there were other rooms, an upstairs, and many areas that I only know exist because of the map.

Since this is the SARIL website, I should probably talk about what I was doing. In simplest terms, I was showing off the magic of how SARIL works, and also running some super short adventures. I created four short adventures specifically for SDCC. Firstly to show that SARIL can run whatever type of adventure you like, and secondly, because I wanted to be able to run them in an hour or less. That didn’t always happen because it’s roleplaying and sometimes players get carried away, but it mostly worked.
There was a wild west mystery, a zombie apocalypse escape, and eldritch horror survival, and a sci-fi combat mission. I had also prepped for a Newtonian physics space escape, and a create your own spells fantasy puzzler, but I never needed to pull those out. I might talk about these adventures later once I’ve written them up for public release, but you know what I’m like.

If you were there, or you just looked around the site, you may have also noticed there are a number of minis that aren’t available to purchase. Japanese schoolgirls, angry space monkeys, werewolves, and more western gunslingers. The reason for this is that I haven’t released the e-books associated with them. Minis come with adventures. If you need one specifically for one of your own adventures, message me and I can give you the stl file. Actually feel free to just contact me about anything really, get in touch via Facebook, and Twitter
Clone Cargo Crisis: First Beta
SARIL RPG: Who’s turn is it? Everyone’s! by RadiationBurn — Kickstarter
Wanted to say thanks to the four brave volunteers from Teesside University’s Tabletop Society. These four were given a very quick crash course in the basic rules, the history of the parallax universe, who the clones were, and what their mission was before setting off on their first ever mission. The paragraph below the photo won’t make a lot of sense to anybody but the four players, but I felt they earned it.
Through a valiant effort, plus some incredible luck and timing in the end game, the team managed to save the VIP and his precious cargo. All clones came out alive and despite several visceral injuries are all expected to make a full recovery and be back on duty within weeks. They have each proven viable in the field and are no longer considered just a number, but also a name in the form of a well earned callsign.
Clone 21: Through decisive action, Clone 21 took charge of the group, showing leadership potential as well as good all round performance throughout the mission. Despite loosing a limb in an ambush, he managed to get back in the fight and come to the aid of his fellow clones at a critical moment through skilled zero-G maneuvering. It was for this act he has now been designated “Floater”.
Clone 07: Although stoic and initially seeming to lack initiative, Clone 07 proved to have a keen eye, and an excellent aim. Officially logging the most kills in the mission with an accuracy of over 50%. Clone 07 remained focused on the mission even when victims were being cut up in the adjacent room, successfully calmed the survivors, and never retreated even in seemingly dire circumstances, this clone has been designated “Chill”.
Clone 40: Despite command asserting that he shouldn’t take his fists to a gun fight, Clone 40 weighed in to hand to hand combat with butcher bots, and despite all odds repeatedly came out on top. In the climax of the mission it was also clone 40 who charged the enemy stronghold alone and used EMP grenades to hold off the enemy with long enough to start a meltdown in the ships capacitors. For this reason, and definitely not because he fumbled an easy catch, this clone has been designated “Surehands”.
and Finally, Clone 69: Despite nearly failing basic training and being deemed borderline defective by clone quality control, 69 was not terminated due to his skill with all forms of technology. His combat performance has been described by his commanding officer as “Piss poor”, but the VIP personally gave 69 a commendation for his safeguarding and extraction of all important cargo. Clone 69 suffered injuries listed as ‘horrific mutilation to the pelvic area’, and thus was granted the designation “Truama’ after another callsign was deemed inappropriate by command.
Congratulations Team.
Kickstarter: Stretchgoal 1
Kickstarter: Stretchgoal 1
SARIL RPG: Who’s turn is it? Everyone’s! by RadiationBurn — Kickstarter
Stretch goal 1 was met. This means that a second single-page set up adventure has been added to the book, and new STL files + Tokens will be available.
SARIL Kickstarter
Yes. It’s finally happening. For a good number of personal reasons I’m only planning a small launch, but quite frankly, I don’t have the time or resources to manage a large one. Still, I can’t just sit on SARIL when so many people I know have asked me to release it. If all of them back the project then reaching this small target should be pretty simple, but that isn’t how life works. So back the project if you can, and please come talk to me about it on Facebook, and Twitter because I like being nerdy about it.
A Free One-Shot Adventure
Merry Christmas Everyone… I’m just getting that in now in case I forget to make another post before then. Either way, I have a present for all of you
Click on the image above to go The Warehouse and download a fun one-shot all about trying not to get eaten by the undead. It’s simple, has all the info you need to play, and can even be played without a DM if you like, although I’d argue that makes it more of a choose your own adventure than a TTRPG.
From the same page you can also download a MAP handout, the STL files for the game (to download and print on a resin 3d printer), OR, if you like to paly online, grab the Roll 20 Beta character sheet, and an undead token.
Go on… Accept my gift to you.
Kickstarter 27th of September!
If you are curious, feel free to check out the Kickstarter Preview.
Facebook, Twitter are still things. Use them to communicate productively… or don’t. I don’t care. I’m not your mum! Bye for now.