A Week of Printing
In an attempt to actually tell people what I am making another post. Since a picture is worth a 1000 words I’m going to assume a blurry picture is maybe worth about half that so I’ll keep this short.
The last week I was making generic bandit models. You can just about make them out in the image above. these are for the western scenario (DUH!) There are 7 variant models with different guns and clothes. I think I should just give one of these fellas away for free at the end of this month. Not sure which one though. If someone actually reads this and contacts me it can be their choice.
Simulations continue to be done, playtests continue to be done (although slowly due to restrictions), and Francesca continues to create nice art for the Core Rules and scenario books.
If you’ll excuse me, I have to go fight some html code that looked at me funny. Bye for now.