Eldritch Eternity: Frostbite
I finally decided (after much prodding) to start completing a number of the beta test adventures. The first of these is the eldritch horror expedition which i made into a little Kickstarter to force me to get it done. I then of course proceeded to not market it at all, and I’m even telling you about it now only a couple of days before it finishes. If you care. jump on over and back it at…

STL files are all printed and tested as usual, and I’ve already made another adventurer as a stretch goal but they aren’t pictured here. Whether I go ahead and create the other non-essential models such as the -Redacted due to spoilers-, only time will tell. Probably, but I don’t want to show that one because of story spoilers.

The adventure document needs tidied a lot, but since my editor hasn’t actually played this adventure I’m going to need to figure out how that gets done. The messy beta version should be available in the meantime but we’ll see.
As always, if you want to chat about anything, get in touch via Facebook, and Twitter , or pigeon.