Happy Easter!
Happy Easter! (If you need this STL file just take it!)
A bit early but I’m going to lose internet for a few days so I thought I’d get this into the wind before then.
Remember when I said I was going to be sculpting that sci-fi guy. I ended up doing some other stuff instead. I think it should be pretty obvious by now that I juggle a number of disciplines and that often leads to some progressional acrobatics. I admit I just made up that term, but the road to release of SARIL is nothing like a straight line. I mean c’mon, It travels through fantasy worlds, outer space, and around time loops full of demons in the wild west.
One thing I did was update the SARIL website: tidied a few bits and bobs, but also fixed a number of issues it was having on phones specifically. It now looks significantly less terrible.
I realise this might look a little odd if you are using your phone right now. To all intents and purposes I’ve just posted a smaller screenshot of the same site you are on. Sorry if that causes a mental crisis, but just go with it.