Merry Christmas!
OK. Talking about things before I do them didn’t last long. I am still making the crusaders though, but I got interrupted with a request to do these guys. Not specifically these guys, but winter themed light up minis. I did mention that it might happen right? Anyway. I did a little Kickstarter and then launched it at the worst possible time of year. It was supposed to be out a few days earlier but Kickstarter admin had different ideas. That’s life.

I also got my taxes done for the 2020-2021 year. I hate taxes so that’s all I’m going to say about it. Let’s move on. Here they are painted. Will I add more in the days after Christmas? Maybe?

I’m still mostly focused on SARIL as a larger project. It’s all mostly about locking down exact wording and layout at the moment. A tedious task compared to most but worthwhile, and definitely better than doing my taxes.
Still. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all of you., I exist on Twitter and Facebook if you need me for anything. Bye for now.