What’s Next? This?

Look! I’m talking about stuff I’m doing! Well, I’m talking about the some of the bits I already did within a larger thing I’m doing… baby steps, right?
Several people have asked me to do a few Christmas/winter themed light up models, but I had already started doing these guys. I might take a break for a week and still do a few Christmas models but it’s unlikely, because A: these guys are awesome!, and B: I’m really wanting to push towards the bigger picture, which has nothing to do with STL files or model painting, and is really all about creating new worlds, and new adventure experiences for the TTRPG community.
Before I talk a little more about that, here’s a render of a few of the models in the package.

So I decided that grey was getting boring and made a new render material. What I’m not bored of, is the SARIL system. Even after years of playing with it, testing it, and writing about it, I just get more and more excited about trying out new adventures. The minor downside is that every adventure needs to be written up and tested several times before release, but there are many willing adventurers that have helped me with this so far and I’m grateful for their continued support.
I’m going to have to release the SARIL to the general public in the fairly near future, but I’m taking a long run up. I’ve even set up a dedicated website and Facebook page for it, but I’m not sharing those so you can go try and find them by yourself for now.
If you really can’t find them, or just want to ask about something else, I exist on Twitter. Bye for now.