Neither Cowboys nor Indians

I already admitted that I’m bad at the blogging thing. I could try doing the talking head thing instead but I’d either have to spend a lot of time editing the videos, or just have you all listening to me rambling on about how a specific maths change in the system affects the probability of outcomes and by extension the narrative feeling for players.
That’s pretty much the reason I don’t tend bring up mechanics when doing these blogs. I’m sure I will just nerd out at some point with numbers, but I’d much rather show you stuff that other people have been helping me with.
I realise that officially I am just a one idiot show here at , but like other men, I am not an island. I have plenty of help from a whole host of people. Ben: who has made an enemy of Microsoft word after negotiations between him and the tables tool broke down), multiple artists; who have leant there dexterous fingers to many a doodle, dozens of beta testers: who sacrificed their time and sanity for the cause, and the guy I’m highlighting today, Vermillion Painting: who has very kindly taken on the task of painting many many minions for the western setting (and for an exceptionally reasonable price). Both the bandits above, and the natives below, are painted by his nimble fingers. So just have a gander at those for a moment….

Aren’t those nice?
In truth, he’s also done another batch of characters but I’m not showing those yet.
Ok. enough of this blogging malarkey for now. I have several more minis to paint, documents to write, and, other super secret stuff.
You could try contacting me on social media ( YouTube, twitter, Facebook, etc), but it’s unlikely you’ll get me tospill the beans there either. Bye for now.