Still Making Stuff
Ahhhhhhhhhh! I’m doing stuff, but here’s me doing a last minute blog before I run out of month. See this guy above? This is Mato! He is a large man, and he likes to do some skull crushing… Wait, I meant comparatively. He’s a large man, compared to other men with a 25mm base.
Almost naked buff dudes not your thing? Ok. Here’s something else instead.
I finally got around to adding the missing Beaky Boi. This is Beaky Boo, more commonly known as Sneaky Beaky. I also painted a pink variation with spikey knuckles, and a version with green feathers. I had no reason to do this. I just did. He’s basically a beaky bonus.
Now Here’s a barrel.
It’s a digital barrel. It’s what I made this lunch time before doing this blog. I will now do a 3d print to make sure it can be a physical barrel as well. I just thought I should post something that is actually current and that was as current as I could possibly manage.
For those of you who got to the end of this, I am sorry for you, but thankful that you did. Feel free to do social media stuff like saying hello. We have social media somewhere.